Tankt – Heresy, Melbourne, Sat 26 Oct 2002

Now, it’s no secret that I’m neither an expert on nor a great fan of electronic music. In fact, I have been known to bitch long and hard about the dominance of electro music in the goth scene and the lack of opportunity for those of us that aren’t especially fond of it to have a night out without a playlist disproportionately dominated by doof.

Basically, as Homer Simpson would put it, I don’t understand it because I don’t like it. So, anything I have to say about Tankt should be taken with that in mind.

Because, quite frankly, Tankt fucking rocked!

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Review: No Idea, Mutiny, Homewreckers – Empress, Fri 13th Sept 2002

Garlic pills and codrals kept my cold from turning into the flu it was trying all week to become, so I could go catch the fun at the Empress on Friday.

Friday 13th made it a mini-Halloween for the night, with an appropriately themed night. The Empress didn’t need much of a makeover, with the usual red velvet and candleabra giving it a gothic feel to begin with. Various bits of cobweb, and a huge spider web (complete with spider) stretched across the back of the stage was enough to set the mood. Early on very few seemed to have dressed up for the occasion, but as the place filled up more zombies, devils and ghouls began to appear in the crowd.

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Review: Rock Wars, Duke of Windsor, Prahran, Friday 26th April 2002

Friday was night two of the ‘Rock Wars’ at the Duke of Windsor, and I was looking forward to a night of good old fashioned grungy punk rock: KTV, the Spazzys, Porcelain, Moler and Mach Pelican.

I hadn’t seen bands at the Duke before, though they’ve been having some good lineups lately. The band room looked a bit like a suburban RSL (or at least what I imagine a suburban RSL would look like, minus the pokies), but the layout was good for being able to see. I did like the camouflage nettting behind the stage, though I don’t know if that was just for the ‘wars’ this week.

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