Nineteen years isn’t a bad run, for a baby band that blew up and then fell apart several times along the way.
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Nineteen years isn’t a bad run, for a baby band that blew up and then fell apart several times along the way.
Read MoreI like to put an R.E.M. mix on while I’m baking. But only the ones that include Man on the Moon.
Read MoreFall Out Boy have once again regenerated. I’m not going to say they’re back, because they didn’t leave.
Read MoreI had an epic musical missed connection when I confused the Happy Flowers with the Happy Mondays, and didn’t realize what had happened until thirty-odd years later.
Read MoreYou’ve never heard of current pop stars because they aren’t actually popular in mainstream culture.
Read MoreYeeeeeahhhh that’s the 2nd floor of Slimelight GOOD STUFF, y’all.
Read MoreI’m sulky mainly because of the band name, which causes me to think muffled cross thoughts about failed social policy. But the name harmonizes well with the band’s overall vibe, which is “skate park during the golden hour.”
Read MoreThe blogging equivalent of sitting in the garage twiddling radio knobs just to see what might be out there.
Read MoreSome of these are old. Some of them are new(ish). They are all songs I listened to, with varying levels of obsessiveness, at various times during 2022.
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