With the tidal.com app sinking without trace for no better reason than that it’s terrible and there’s no conceivable reason to bother with it,
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With the tidal.com app sinking without trace for no better reason than that it’s terrible and there’s no conceivable reason to bother with it,
Read MoreA kung fu cop film from the television ’80s. Here is the trailer. And here is the Wikipedia article. And here is the theme
Read MoreAn item alluded to in epic-nerd-level Cramps coverage, but so rare nobody was even known to have a full copy. Here in the astounding
Read MoreThis is light jazz funk rock with brilliant musicianship, and Fagen’s voice is still lovely after all these years. I could not remember a
Read MoreMetroland is a Belgian electronic duo. Their publicity says “Kraftwerk” a whole lot, though my first thought was “the Kraftwerky end of Severed Heads”.
Read MoreChord progressions of 25,000 songs analysed, using the database of Hooktheory’s Theorytab. Which itself is ridiculously fun to play with. Audacity is the computer-based
Read MoreSo how much is music actually worth? Spoiler: nobody knows. Universal Music Hijacks YouTube Videos of Indie Artist. Because of course they did. How
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