The ridiculously widely publicised default judgement against a filesharer has attracted the sort of attention they’d probably rather it hadn’t. Michael Coyle of Lawdit
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The ridiculously widely publicised default judgement against a filesharer has attracted the sort of attention they’d probably rather it hadn’t. Michael Coyle of Lawdit
Read MoreFrom the same company that brought you the Black Velvet Wesley Crusher.
Read MoreI got sick enough of this with Squishdot. MySQL just ate itself all by itself and had to be restored from backups. Fortunately, I
Read MoreIn a response to Rolling Stone’s review of the reissue of U2’s early album Boy, Bono likens The Edge to Van Gogh and recording
Read MoreDavenport Lyons, “a leading London law firm,” has put out a press release, which has been run as-is by large chunks of the press,
Read MoreThe zombie technology of the magazine suffers the final insult:, a magazine-sharing site. The hard part in nailing them for this blatant copyright
Read MoreRadiohead’s In Rainbows did zillions of copies through bittorrents and filesharing, suggesting they’re replacing the radio, not the CD. Not that the death of
Read MoreAmy Winehouse should be so lucky to survive, and thrive, as Marianne Faithfull has done.
Read MoreOne of my other pastimes is Wikipedia. We’re all about the free-as-in-freedom content — not just no-cost with-permission, but wide-open to reuse, including commercially.
Read MoreI stopped by the Wayback Machine yesterday and found a pile of classic Rocknerd. This is slowly being hand-restored. (Mostly my own stuff first.)
Read MoreSorry, EMI — fair use is possible in sound recordings. Even for duplicitous creationist nutters no sane person would want to be associated with.
Read MoreCliff Harris from small game company Positech asked why people pirate his games. In what could be a shining example to anyone in music
Read MoreHard disks are cheap; cultural preservation is forever. (Mind you, I still so so so want one of these.) Bonus: The earliest known sound
Read MoreWhen Uwe Boll* calls [*may not be 100% true], Richard O’Brien listens. (Or not.) ‘Cos adaptations make the world go round. (1944 Marxist sociology
Read MoreThe drink of audiophiles. The only thing I can see wrong is it’s far too cheap. (Spotted by Wechsler.) (Bonus link: a magnetic thing
Read MoreExact Audio Copy is the Chuck Norris of CD rippers. It turned a rotted old demo CD-R by the Deadites (from back when CD-Rs
Read MoreI can’t wait for peer-to-peer drug networks. Those headphone audiophools were onto something. If only Anthony Burgess had thought of “personal stereos.” (spotted by
Read MoreObituary of the year.
Read MoreIt’s scientifically proven: keeping everything in copyright forever leads to a tragedy of the anticommons. (Despite Cliff Richard’s pleas on behalf of continuing royalties
Read MoreThe general public just refuse to see copying as morally wrong if it’s not for money. But attribution is another matter. (Look at the
Read MoreFiction about rock’n’roll is usually dire. I think John Hawkes-Reed has nailed it, though.
Read MoreWhile you’re saving up for your cable.
Read MoreMagazines and newspapers are a zombie technology. But Esquire is trying to work past that. I give it three hours after hitting the stands
Read MoreYahoo is reimbursing its fairy gold victims, but people have finally noticed that just the same applies to iTunes. Apple are already messing about
Read MoreIn the MPAA’s consumer assault, consider the shiny 5¼” disk the Maginot Line. DVD sales are slipping for the first time since 1997. And
Read MoreLots more old Party Fears scans up, courtesy Nick Potter, who decided I was being a slackarse and so got on with it himself.
Read MoreIf you keep doing obnoxious things to lots and lots of people, they may start talking. And then you discover some of them are
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