Sacred Cowboys: Cowboy Logic (2024).

SACRED COWBOYS: Cowboy Logic (Kasumuen) — Garry Gray and Mark Ferrie are getting the Sacred Cowboys back together and doing new stuff, so this is one disc of old studio recordings and one disc of live desk tapes from 1994 and 2006, with Spencer Jones.

Speaking as one of those who remember the band from back in the day, I’m not sure anyone needs a new Sacred Cowboys compilation forty years later — though it’s expressly not a best-of but instead Gray’s attempt to trace what he thinks the Sacred Cowboys are about — and it doesn’t even have the millstone on it.

But high quality remasters of good stuff that was recorded to tape for vinyl four decades ago are worth having. I loved “Trouble From Providence” at first listen and it’s still a banger. I’ve got the original 1988 Trouble From Providence LP on the shelf over there. And the Sacred Cowboys did multiple albums, four of which are readily playable on YouTube Music. This selection hangs together.

I’m treating this as a good live record with a bonus studio compilation. Worth a spin. Out 2 October. I’m looking forward to the new stuff they’re planning too.


Sacred Cowboys, 2006

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