Darkwave disco. I’ve been hanging out for this one, and I’m thoroughly delighted. You will be too.
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Listen, mate, life has surface noise.
Darkwave disco. I’ve been hanging out for this one, and I’m thoroughly delighted. You will be too.
Read MoreFor those most familiar with the classic synth-pop Gary Numan, this will be quite different. For those who have followed Numan in the past thirty years this is not a surprise.
Read MoreTell you what I love about Steve Albini recordings: the drums.
Read MoreAn indie singer-songwriter and the return of an old favourite with a slab of excellence.
Read MoreMetal Disco is today’s pleasant surprise winner.
Read MoreDew and Irk are both remarkable finds and produce the correct horrible racket, though the loved one compared Irk to a sack of hammers falling down stairs.
Read MorePopular US industrial music has always tended less Throbbing Gristle and more alternative buttrock.
Read MoreAn excuse to get Perth bands into a published record chart, so they’d get some publicity and could use it in their marketing. And to propagandise Australian indie to the masses. Includes THE HITS OF 1989!
Read MoreA party that everyone’s been looking forward to for weeks. They seem to be having a wonderful time.
Read MoreEveryone’s familiar with Lords of Acid at a basic level, right? Dark electronic erotica? Techno songs about fucking? It’s all very nineties. Pretty in Kink was released in May 2018 but still puts out the oldschool LoA vibe.
Read MoreHey, are you interested in letting a couple of women from Osaka just completely melt your fucking brain? If so I have found the album for you.
Read MoreA 10 song album that is everything you’ve been looking for if you’re sad that The Vandals haven’t had a full length release since 2004.
Read MoreWriting about music is the most ridiculous notion, and the review pile is only getting larger. So I’ll give just embedding players and mumbling something a go. This works for me, and that’s the important thing.
Read MoreA nice combo of hardcore and surf punk, it’s got a mellow, melodic feel that edges toward pop-punk but brings in just a tiny bit of metal to keep an edge to the sound.
Read MoreYeah, putting a Bandcamp embed into reviews is clearly the right thing.
Read MoreA brilliant five-track indie pop EP. And my first musician interview in a couple of decades.
Read MoreExcellent fare for people who really enjoy Tolkein. A supernatural tone and a solid pounding that most anyone who likes heavy prog will appreciate.
Read MoreBoth little works have great songs on them but Love Bomb is mind-blowingly perfect. Clark and Brooke’s voices and guitars blend into a sweet, grungy, fun sound.
Read MoreUgh, it’s actually irritating how much I like this record. It’s like a white noise machine for ADHD.
Read MoreAgony of Doubt is a fun, fantastic, big-hair-eighties-style metal album that goes hard and fast but stays fun the whole way through.
Read MoreButtrock band.
Read MoreColgrave’s animation is beautiful. It is alternately stark and lush, full of repeating patterns and startling aberrations and the score, Royal Noises from Dead Kingdoms, mirrors the hypnotic visuals in its layered, thoughtful construction.
Read MoreA lot of metal is full of goofy bullshit, a lot of which is very somberly growling about satan, hell, torture, shit, darkness, and other suitably grimy and nasty metal things. And sometimes it turns out that goofy bullshit is pure, distilled perfection and the concentrated essence of joy.
Read MoreWhile the rest of the world moves, changes, shifts, reshapes itself, and discovers irony you can always return to the comforting refuge of goth rock.
Read MoreAustralian indie guitar favourites from the late 1980s, their complete catalogue available once more.
Read MoreThe record is a solid piece of work with plenty of power. A sound that wavers between groove and thrash from song to song.
Read MoreIf you’ve been hankering for some growly Germans who make music that complements PVC outfits and stompy dancing, Nervenbeisser might be for you.
Read MoreAre you into synthpop? Do you believe in heaven above, do you believe in love?
Read MoreCinematic indie pop and some NDW revival.
Read MoreHow do you feel about relentless positivity and good cheer? I’m a bit cynical about it myself, but once in a while something comes by that slaps a smile on your face and won’t get out of your head.
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